Zelisko Alla


Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Doctor of Law, Professor

Personal informationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Education, academic degree, academic title

In 2004 she graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (educational level – “Master”, speciality – “Jurisprudence”, qualification – “Lawyer”);

In 2004 – 2007 she did her post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Law of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, speciality – 12.00.03 – “Civil law and civil procedure; matrimonial law; private international law”.

In 2008 – candidate of legal sciences, specialty 12.00.03 – civil law and civil process; matrimonial law; international private law (dissertation topic “Legal status of consumer societies”);

In 2017 – Doctor of Juridical Sciences, specialty 12.00.03 (civil law and civil procedure; matrimonial law; private international law) (dissertation topic “Private entrepreneurial legal entities as subjects of civil legal relations”);

In 2020 she was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Civil Law Department.

Jobs, professional experience

Since 2006 she has been Assistant at the Department of Civil Law and Procedure (concurrently) at the Law Institute of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;

Since September 2009 she has been Associate Professor of the Department of Civil law of the Institute of Law;

In 2011 she was awarded the title of Associate Professor of the Department of Civil law;

Since September 2019 she has been promoted to the position of Professor of the Department of Civil law.

In 2020 she was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Civil law.

  1. Zelisko A. V. Legal status of consumer societies: a monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk, Simik, 2011. 184 p.
  2. Zelisko A. V. Legal status of farms as legal entities of private law. Law of Ukraine. 2010. № 5. P. 143-149.
  3. Zelisko A. V. Legal status of science parks as legal entities of private law. Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law. 2010. № 7. P. 89-93.
  4. Zelisko A. V. Constitutive agreement: unification of the application of the contractual structure in the creation of corporate legal entities. Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law. 2013. № 10. P. 3 -7.
  5. Zelisko A. V. Civil legal personality of corporate investment funds.Gosudarstvo i prava: Collection of scientific works. Juridical and political sciences. K.: Institute of State and Law named after V. M. Koretskyi of NAS of Ukraine, 2013. Vyp. Fifty-ninth P. 250-256.
  6. Zelisko A.V. General provisions of investing and doing business. Corporate law of Austria and Ukraine: a monograph. Vasilieva V.A., Kovalishin O.R., Victoria Robertson [et al]; ed. by Prof. V.A. Vasilieva. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. P. 113 – 125.
  7. Zelisko A.V. The types of the entrepreneurial legal entities of private law of Ukraine. Ewolution of Private Law. Vol. 2: edited by Piotr Pinior, Ewa Zielinska and Mateusz Zaba. Katowice : wydawnictwo uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 2015. p. 74 – 83.
  8. Zelisko A. V. Entrepreneurial legal entities of private law as subjects of civil legal relations: monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk: Precarpathian National University. Vasil Stefanik, 2016. 445 p.
  9. Zelisko A.V. General principles of investment and economic activity; General principles of investment and business activity; Special principles of investment and business activity of foreigners; Companies in relation to other types of corporations and investment instruments; Companies and capital market (part 2, sections 1.1, 1.5-1.6, 2.5-2.6). Corporate Law in Poland and Ukraine: Monograph / edited by Prof. V.A. Vasilieva. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. pp. 183-187, pp. 200-206, pp. 206-211, pp. 229-234, pp. 234-239.
  10. Zelisko A.V. Principles of corporate law. Corporation as a subject of corporate relations (p. 1.4 of section 1, p. 2.1 of section 2) Corporate law of Ukraine: problems of theory and practice. Under general ed. prof. V.A. Vasilieva, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship. Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of Acad. At the same time, the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of F.G. Burchak Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship, Corporate Law Laboratory, Educational-Scientific Institute of Law. Ivano-Frankivsk: V. P. Suprun, 2017. P. 54-73. P. 108-128.
  11. Vasilyeva V.A., Zelisko A.V. Investment agreement in private law. Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law. №11. 2021. P. 98-110.
  12. Zelisko A.V. Entrepreneurial societies. Concept of a production cooperative. The constituent documents of the producer cooperative. The property of the producer cooperative (with I.V. Spasibo-Fateeva). Termination of membership in a production cooperative and the transfer of a share. The Civil Code of Ukraine: A Scientific and Practical Commentary. Vol. 1: General Provisions. Persons. / Ed. by I.V. Spasibo-Fateeva. Kharkiv: EKUS, 2020. P. 513-516; P. 883 – 897.
  13. Zelisko A.V. Farms and agricultural cooperatives. Farms as participants in civil and land relations: on the materials of judicial practice: monograph / Ed. by I.V. Spasibo-Fateeva. Kharkiv: EKUS, 2022. P. 69-83
  14. Valentyna A. Vasylyeva, Alla V. Zelisko, Olga I. Zozuliak. Cooperatives in Ukraine: Applicative Peculiarities of Legal Integration up to the EU Standards. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Volume IX. Issue 6(36), Fall 2018. P. 1789-1797. ISSN 2068-696X.
  15. Alla V. Zelisko, Olga I. Zozuliak, and Liliana V. Sishchuk. LegalRegulationoftheNon-EntrepreneurialLegalEntities’ Status: ForeignExperience.JournalofAdvancedResearchinLawandEconomics. Volume IX. Issue 6(36), Fall 2018. P. 1806-1819.
  16. Vasylyeva,Valentina; Zelisko, Alla V.; Zinych, Liubomyr V. Peculiarities of Patenting Artificial Intelligence in the United States and Countries of the European Union. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Vol 9 No 8 (2018): JARLE Volume IX Issue 8(38) Winter 2018. P. 2853-2859
  17. Zelisko, A.V., Vasylyeva, V.A., Malyshev, B.V., Khomenko, M.M., Sarana, S.V. Civil law regulation of contracts for joint activity in Ukraine and other post-socialist states. Asia Life Sciences: The Asian International Journal of Life Sciencies. Issue 2, December 2019, Pages 913-925. http://emtpub.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Supplement-21-No-2-2019.pdf (Scopus).
  18. Zelisko, A.V., Rozghon, O.V. The corporate form of innovating entities in ukraine. Science and Innovation. 2022. 18(5). pp. 95–108. (0,9 а.а.) URL: https://scinn-eng.org.ua/ojs/index.php/ni/article/view/300/138
  19. Zelisko, Alla V.   WITHDRAWAL FROM MEMBERSHIP IN A PRODUCTION COOPERATIVE. Private law and entrepreneurship. №21/2022. p. 86-91. URL: http://ppp-journal.kiev.ua/archive/2022/21/11.pdf 
  20. ZELISKO, Alla V.,   SISHCHUK, Liliana V.  CORPORATE AGREEMENT IN THE BUSINESS COMPANY: LEGISLATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS.Private law and entrepreneurship. №23/2023. p. 16-26. URL: http://ppp-journal.kiev.ua/archive/2023/23/02.pdf
  21. Zozuliak, O.I., Zelisko, A.V., Bashuryn, N.Y., Albu, A.A. Artificial intelligence as an object of civil law regulation (2023) Revista Juridica Portucalense, (34), pp. 283-299. URL:https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85183987574&origin=inward&txGid=7e36d61d8866097b1757aba3bbab373b (Scopus)
  22. Vasylieva. V.A., Zelisko A.V. Principles of European contract law. Actual problems of improvement of the current legislation of Ukraine: collection of scientific works. №64 (2024). P. 172-181. URL: https://journals.pnu.edu.ua/index.php/apiclu/article/view/8040/8170.
  23. Zelisko A.V. Legal regulation of science parks: through the prism of corporatism. Private law and entrepreneurship. №24. Part 2/2024. P. 101-107. URL: http://ppp-journal.kiev.ua/archive/2024/24_2/57.pdf
  24. Zelisko A.V. Contractual regulation of civil relations: general principles. Private law and entrepreneurship. №24. Part 1/2024. P. 72-78. URL: http://ppp-journal.kiev.ua/archive/2024/24/10.pdf.
  25. Zelisko A.V. Legal regime of farm property as an effective form of agricultural activity in the current crisis conditions. Economics and law. Vol. 74 № 3 (2024). P.28-39. URL: https://nasu-periodicals.org.ua/index.php/economiclaw/article/view/10995/10147.
  26. Zelisko A.V. The phenomenon of agricultural cooperatives in the current legislation of Ukraine: civil law aspects. Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence. №6. 2024. P. 233-237. URL: https://app-journal.in.ua/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/38.pdf

Educational activity

Provides teaching of academic disciplines: “Corporate Law of Ukraine”, “Investment Law”, “Legal Status of Corporations in European Union Law” (in English) for Master’s degree candidates, “Civil Law” discipline for 2nd year students studying in the educational programme “International and European Law”, “Legal entities in the civil law of Ukraine” for 2nd year students studying in the educational programme “Law” and  “Modern legal science in the context of European integration processes”, “Corporate Law as a Civil Law Institute” and “Theory of Civil Law Subjects” disciplines for PhD candidates in law.

Research interests include a significant range of issues relating to corporate law, investment law, EU company law, company law, contract law and matrimonial law.

Research activity

The theme of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of legal sciences(specialty 12.00.03 – civil law and civil procedure; matrimonial law; private international law) – “Legal status of consumer societies”.

  The theme of the dissertation for the degree of  Doctor of Juridical Sciences (specialty 12.00.03 – civil law and civil procedure; matrimonial law; private international law) – “Entrepreneurial private law entities as subjects of civil relations”. Scientific adviser – Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Prof. V.A. Vasilieva.

She is the author of more than 165 scientific works, including 54 professional articles in scientific journals included in the VAK list (including 6 in foreign journals, 4 in Scopus), 70 publications in proceedings of scientific conferences, author of 2 monographs, co-author of 6 collective works (monographs), and 22 educational and methodical editions.

Organisational activity

Supervises the scientific circle “European private law” at the Civil Law Department, within the framework of which scientific activity of master’s degree students is provided. Under supervision of A.V. Zelisko writing of scientific works of students which are prizewinners of Ukrainian contests of scientific works as general legal and specially legal direction is carried out.

Is a member of Dissertation Council Ê for thesis defense for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences in specialty 12.00.03 “civil law and civil procedure; matrimonial law; private international law.

She is a member of the editorial board of the scientific publication of the Educational-Scientific Institute of Law “Actual problems of improvement of the current legislation of Ukraine”.