Hryshko Ulyana


Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law, Candidate of Sciences in Law (PhD)


Personal informationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Education, scientific degree

2006-2012 – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, specialty “law”, qualification “master of law”.

2012-2015 – post-graduate studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, without a break from production.

2017 – PhD in Law.

 Jobs, professional experience

After graduation her postgraduate studies at V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in October 2016, she was  hired to the position of assistant of the  Department of  Civil Law of Educational-Scientific Institute of Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (part-time).

Since October 2017, she has been working as teacher at the Department of Civil Law of Educational-Scientific Institute of Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

From October 2022 – transferred to the position of associate professor at the Department of Civil Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

  1. Hryshko U.P. Correlation of the essence of the concepts “consumer” and “passenger”. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. Law series.Issue 27. Volume 1. P. 134-137.
  2. Hryshko U.P. Separate forms of responsibility of the carrier as ways of protecting the rights of consumers of transport services. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works. P. 56-65.
  3. Hryshko U. P. General characteristics of the rights of consumers of transport services. Legal scientific electronic journal. No. 5. P. 25-29.
  4. Ulyana Hryshko. The system of protection methods for the rights of transportation services consumer.Legea si Viata .2015.7/3(283). Pages 27-31.
  5. Hryshko U. P. Violation by the carrier of the terms of the contract of carriage of passengers and baggage as a basis for protecting the rights of consumers of transport servicesLaw and society. 2015. No. 6-2 part 2. P.60-66.
  6. Hryshko U.P. Peculiarities of civil liability of the carrier for violation of the rights of consumers of transport services. Entrepreneurship, economy and law. No. 6. S. 6-8.
  7. Hryshko U.P. Defining the essence of the concept of “transportation service” as an object of legal relations with the participation of consumers. Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. “Law” series. 47. P.116-119
  8. Hryshko U. Contract of carriage of goods by road transport: features and essential conditions. Jurnalul juridic national: theory and practice. 5 (33). R.118-121.
  9. Hryshko U.P. Peculiarities of the carrier’s liability for damage caused by mutilation, other health damage or death of a passenger. Entrepreneurship, economy and law. 11. P.16-20
  10. Hryshko U.P. Passenger and baggage transportation contract as a type of consumer contract. Entrepreneurship, economy and law. 2020. No. 12. P. 12-16
  11. Hryshko U.P. Theoretical and methodological foundations of contractual legal regulation. Legal Bulletin. No. 5. 2021. P.17-26.
  12. Hryshko U.P. EU legislation in the field of consumer protection. Actual problems of improving of current legislation of Ukraine. 2022. 60. P. 119-132
  13. Hryshko U.P. Formation of European legislation in the field of protection of consumer. Legal scientific electronic journal .2023. No.8.P.103-106
  14. Hryshko U.P. Understanding of the contract in the civil law of Ukraine and the EU. Actual problems of improving of current legislation of Ukraine. No. 64 .P.128-138
  15. Zozulyak О.І., Kovalyshyn O.R., Gryshko U. P. Comparative and Legal Analysis of the Legal Entities System of Ukraine and the European Union. Journal of advanced research in law and economics. Volume IX.Issue 8(38).Winter 2018. ISSN: 2068-696X.Journal’s DOI:рр.2922-2933(Scopus)
  16. Uliana P. Gryshko,Oleh A. Vivcharenko, Oleksandr R. Kovalyshyn, Legal borrowings in the area of civil rights and interests protection under the legislation of Ukraine and the EU /Rivista Di Studi Sulla Sostenibilita, 2020, Vol. 1, 301-311. (Scopus)
  17. Zozuliak, O., Banasevych, I., Oliinyk, O., Gryshko, U. On ways to protect the rights of the parties to the contract: Based on the Supreme Court of Ukraine practice .Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute,2022, 4(7). P.163–177 (Scopus)
  18. Cherniaieva O., Hryshko, U.,Donets A.  Studing legal aspects of online transactions, consumer protection and e- commerce regulation.42(3). P.409-425. (Web of Science)

Research activities

The topic of the dissertation for PhD degree  in civil law is «Protection of the rights of consumers of transport services». The dissertation was defended in 2017 at the Specialized Academic Council K 20.051.14 of Educational-Scientific Institute of Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University under the scientific supervision of associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law, PhD in Law  I. I. Banasevych.

The author of more than 45 publications, including 26 professional articles, theses of International and Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, 10 educational-methodological publications.

From March 21 to April 29, 2022, she completed an international scientific and pedagogical internship at the University of Bialystok in the Republic of Poland. Internship topic: «Scientific activity in the disciplines of legal sciences from a national and European point of view» (6.0 credits – 180 hours). According to the results of the internship, she received the Сertificate.

From June 16 to 22, 2024, she participated in the International Summer School “Internationalization and Internationalization at Home through Virtual Exchange: Creating a Motivating Environment for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)”, which was at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Republic of Poland, Poznań). According to the results of the internship, she received the Сertificate.

Organizational activity

Member of the organizing committee of Ukrainian scientific and practical conference «Contract as an universal form of legal regulation».

Since September 2020, she is the secretary of the Academic Council of Educational-Scientific Institute of Law.

Provides teaching of disciplines: Civil law of Ukraine, Business law of Ukraine, Consumer law, Contract law of the European Union, Protection of consumer rights in EU countries, Non-contractual obligations.

Scientific interests: legal status of consumer of transport services, features of the carrier’s civil liability, the contract of carriage of passengers and luggage, forms and methods of protecting rights of consumers of transport services.


tel.: (0342) 59-61-30

Educational-Scientific Institute of Law

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University