Myronenko Ihor


Professor of the Department of Civil Law,

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Personal informationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Education, academic degree, academic title

1996-2001 – Studies at the Law Faculty of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University;

2001-2004 – postgraduate student of  Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;

2008 – Candidate of Legal Sciences;

2011 – Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law;

2020 – Doctor of Legal Sciences.

Jobs, professional experience

2001-2002 – specialist- legal advisor of the Legal department of the Regional Administration of  the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region;

2002-2003 – assistant professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;

2005-2007 – assistant of the department of public administration of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas;

2007-2008 – lecturer of the Department of Economic and Environmental Law of the Carpathian Law Institute of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs;

since 2008 – Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;

since October 1, 2022 – appointed to the position of professor of the Department of Civil Law of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;

  1. Myronenko I. V. Legal regulation of foreign economic activity: educational and practical textbook. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014. 155 p.
  2. Myronenko I. V. International private law: textbook. Kyiv: Alerta, 2013. 286 p.
  3. Myronenko I. V. Institute of neighborhood law: theoretical and practical aspects: monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. 341 p.
  4. Myronenko I. V. Types of land ownership restrictions. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2008. Issue XX. P. 107-111.
  5. Myronenko I. V. Concept and content of good neighborly relations. Entrepreneurship, economy and law. 2009. No. 11. P. 95-98.
  6. Myronenko I. V. The concept of land ownership restrictions. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2010. Issue XXII. P. 151-156.
  7. Myronenko I. V. Normative restrictions on land ownership. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2010. Issue XXIV. P. 114-118.
  8. Myronenko I. V. The concept and content of property encumbrances. Journal of the Kyiv University of Law. 2010. No. 3. P. 135-139.
  9. Myronenko I. V. Regulation of land relations of good neighborliness in the legislation of the Russian Empire. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2011. Issue XXVII. P. 29-35.
  10. Myronenko I. V. Interest as an object of legal protection. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2012. Issue XXVIII. P. 138-143.
  11. Myronenko I. V. Regulation of land relations of good neighborliness in Soviet legislation. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2012. Issue XXX. P. 186-193.
  12. Myronenko I.V. Normative regulation of good neighborly relations. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2013. Issue XXXII. P. 181-189.
  13. Myronenko I. V. Content and significance of public servitudes for legal regulation of land relations. State and law. 2013. № 60. P. 342-349.
  14. Myronenko I.V. Legal regulation of good neighborly land relations in the law of Kyivan Rus. Journal of the Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law named after King Danylo Halytsky “University Scientific Notes”. 2013. Issue 7. P. 255-260.
  15. Myronenko I. V. Concepts and signs of real estate. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2014. Issue 34. P. 154-162.
  16. Mironenko I. V. Regulation of good neighborly land relations in the codification “Rights by which the Little Russian people are judged” (1743). Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2014. Issue 36. P. 17-24.
  17. Myronenko I. V. Application of provisions on the right of ownership in the field of land relations. Comparative and analytical law. 2016. №  4. P. 131-133.
  18. Myronenko I.V. Legal regulation of neighborly land relations in «Lithuanian Statutes». Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2017. Issue 45. P. 53-65.
  19. Myronenko I. V. Correlation between provisions on good neighborliness and land easements. Eurasian Academic Research Journal. 2017. № 3 (09). P. 80-88.
  20. Myronenko I. V. Legal regulation of mediated neighborhood influences: modern approaches. Eurasian Academic Research Journal. 2018. № 12. P. 41-47.
  21. Myronenko I. V. Individualization of land plots as a condition for their involvement in civil turnover. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2018. Issue 48. P. 212-223.
  22. Myronenko I. V. Principles of the institute of neighborhood law (good neighborliness). Comparative and analytical law. 2019. No. 1. P. 163-166.
  23. Myronenko I. V. Neighborhood law as a legal institution: general theoretical aspects. LEGEA ŞI VIAŢA. 2019. № 4/2. P. 130-134.
  24. Myronenko I. V. Neighborly relations as an object of legal regulation: general characteristics. Jurnalul juridic naţional: theory and practice. 2019. No. 2. P. 89-93.
  25. Principles of the institute of neighborhood law (good neighborliness). Comparative and analytical law. 2019. № 1. P. 163-166.
  26. Myronenko I. V. Legal regulation of private law aspects of water use by owners and land users of neighboring land plots. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2019. Issue 50. P. 132-144.
  27. Myronenko I. V. Abuse of subjective property rights as a violation of the limits of its implementation: content and legal consequences. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2019. Issue 51. P. 39-49.
  28. Myronenko I. V. Content and meaning of negative land easements: separate aspects. Environmental law. 2019. № 3. P. 16-21.
  29. Myronenko I.V. Mandatory mutual respect and cooperation of owners and users of neighboring land plots as a principle of the right of neighborhood (good neighborliness) Environmental law. 2020. № 4. P. 26-30.
  30. Myronenko I. V. Personal non-property relations of owners of neighboring land plots as a subject of legal regulation: some aspects. Scientific and practical journal «Ecological law». Issue 1-2, 2022. P. 46-49.
  31. Iryna I. Banasevych, Ruslana M. Heints, Mariya V. Lohvinova, Ihor V. MyronenkoThe Place of Legal Custom in the System of Sources of Regulation of Private Relations. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Vol 9 № 8 (2018): JARLE Volume IX Issue 8(38) Winter 2018. P. 2540-2550
  32. Moroz G.Myronenko I.Vivcharenko O.Kobetska N. Environmental restrictions on the exercise of land rights: european experience. International Journal of Agricultural Extension. 2021. № 9 (Special Issue 2). P. 73-81.
  33. Myronenko I.V., Heints R.M. Legal regulation of neighborhood relations (good neighborliness) in the context of recodification of civil legislation of Ukraine. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2023. Issue 61. P. 239-248.
  34. Myronenko I.V., Heints R.M. Legal regulation of neighborhood relations (good neighborliness) in the context of recodification of civil legislation of Ukraine. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2023. Issue 61. P. 239-248.
  35. Myronenko I., Moroz G., Kokhan N., Stefanyshyn N., Skhab-Buchynska T. Contract as a regulator of relations under civil, environmental, and labor law in the EU countries. Lex Humana (ISSN 2175-0947). 2023.  № 15 (4). P 330–346.
  36. Myronenko I.V. Application  of  «INCOTERMS»  in  drafting  commercial transactions. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2024. № 64. P. 203-213.
  37. Myronenko I.V. The  legal  nature  of  provisions  on  good  neighborliness (neighborhood law) and their place in the system of regulation of the legal regime of lands in Ukraine. Actual problems of improving the current legislation of Ukraine. 2024. № 65. P. 3.1-3.10.
  38. Myronenko I. Conflict regulation of international commercial contracts in Ukraine: modern approaches and prospects for development. Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence. 2024. Issue 4. P. 142-151.
  39. Myronenko I.V., Yaremak Z.V., Danyliuk L.R. Legal responsibility for violation of the legal regime of sanitary protection zones in Ukraine. Uzhhorod National University Herald. Series: Law. 2024. Issue 83: part 2. P. 124-129.

Provides teaching of educational disciplines: «International private law», «International commercial arbitration», «Actual problems of public and private law».

Scientific interests: property rights and property rights; good neighborly land relations; problems of international private law.

The dissertation for obtaining the degree of candidate of legal sciences «The content and limits of the exercise of the right of private ownership of land in Ukraine» was defended on July 4, 2008 in the specialized council of the Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Science of Ukraine (Kyiv).

The dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences «Institute of Neighborhood Law: theoretical and practical principles of legal regulation of land neighbor relations» was defended on November 3, 2020 at the specialized council at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv). Scientific consultant – doctor of legal sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Kostytskyi Vasyl Vasyliovych.

The author of more than 60 scientific and scientific-methodical publications, including the textbook «International private law» (2013), the textbook «Legal foundations of foreign economic activity» (2014), the monograph «Institute of Neighborhood Law: theoretical and practical aspects» (2019) etc.